is a participant of different affiliate programs to help website and company running. If you go through our links, product snippet, image, or any means and like the product/services, purchase those, we may earn some commission as an affiliate marketeer.

NepaliAustralian is affiliated with Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, MaxBounty affiliate program, Digitstore27 and may join other affiliates network and link products, and services as part of marketing and advertising revenue generation.

Does it affect you?

Affiliate marketing through our website does not affect you as well as accuracy of our content. Through this you would get chance to see products relevant to your interest and its up to you whether to buy or not.

What happens if you buy the product/service you see on our website?

If you go through our affiliate link and make a purchase, we may be eligible for some commission from the sale (most of vender pay commission for qualified sales). We do not collect your information, payment details as well as shipping and product delivery that’s your vendor’s part. If you experienced anything about service/product you buy from vendor linked on our website, you need to contact the vendor not us.

We do not have any control over businesses and third-party merchant and their business activities.